We would like to anounce new filaments from another manufacturer already added to the stock.
All the while the quality of the filaments are very good. Since June, we notice there were feedback on the PLA quality on few colours, so we checked with the manufacturer and got the answer that they changed the raw material supplier.
Filament playing a big part to the pleasant of 3D prinitng, therefore we decieded to swith to another more reliable manufacturer. Hopefully their products is better.
We learned from some suppliers that since last year there has been shortage on the suppy of US raw material, therefore many China filament manufacturer swithed to other countries raw material, this could be one of the reason of the filament quality droppping, and it could affect many manufactueres products in this region.
Print setting and colour
We’ve tested filaments from a few different manufaacturers over the last few months, and here we bring in these products. The printing setting and quality is very similar to the product from previous manufacturer.
Colour wise some are vary:
• New Milk White PLA is similar to the previous White PLA.
• New Black PLA is slightly lighter compare to the previous Black PLA.
• New Gold is similar to the previous Imperial Gold.
• New Grey PLA is darker than the previous Grey PLA.
• New Transparent PLA is similar to the previous Translucent PLA.
• New Silver PLA is similar to the previous Silver PLA.
We also brought in more PETG, TPU, some ABS, HPLA, PLA base Carbon Fiber, Rainbow Silky Filaments this round. Will bring in more colours PLA and different material in the next batch of order, stay tune.
The PLA cost increased 3 times since November 2019, recently the shipping increased drastically from November. We will try to remain the same price and member rate as longer as possible, hopefully the shipping cost will drop when the pandemic is controlled next year.
Checkout the new filament