3D printer with bowden setup need PTFE tube, it will worn out time after time if you print a lot.
You will notice the PTFE tube very often worn out only at the end near the heating block. In stead of replace the entire tube, we can just replacing a short piece of tube that goes into the hotend. These 2 way pneumatic connector help saving the PTFE tube.
2 pieces of the TPFE tube will be needed, shorter piece for the hotend part, the longer goes to the extruder side, connect them with the 2 way pneumatic connector, so you only need to replace the shorter end when it's worn out.
Length guide:
For Ender 3, Ender 5 or CR10S, 10c. Longer side just minus 10cm from the original tube that come with your 3D printer.
Here's a handy tools for you to measure and cut the tube flat.